Chakras are electromagnetic energy centers that nourish and organize the endocrine glands and nerve centers of the body. They are related and responsive to consciousness.
The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language meaning a revolving wheel or vortex of energy; this energy flows from each chakra through the body and circles back along the electrical pathways of the acupuncture meridians.
The color and flow of energy in these spiritual centers is different in several cultures. Their commonality is that all believe the free flow of energy in these centers is key to health and wellbeing of the physical body.
This 5 hour course includes personal focus and experiential learning on the chakras (energy centers that organize physical being); and how our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs influence health and dis-ease:
- Discover the balanced and out-of-balance state of each chakra gland.
- Experience attitudes caused by out-of-balance chakra centers and learn to release pressure to re-establish the flow of energy.
- Become aware of the dynamic interaction between the spiritual and physical planes as you more fully understand the relationship between your soul and body.
- See how thinking can either block the flow of energy through your body or keep it in harmony and balance.
When: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm (2 hr. lunch break on your own)
Where: St. Marks Church, Durango
Fee: $69.00 No prerequisites.